
Vispeahen unleashes the transformative potential of your data, enhancing both work processes and customer experiences. By seamlessly migrating from spreadsheets to a modern analytics platform and integrating business intelligence into workflows, Vispeahen empowers your entire organization for accelerated business growth.
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Data Analysis
Geographic Data Analysis
Dynamic Images
Big Data Integrated
Ability to Work with Different Data Sources

Differentiation Points

Open Architecture
Big Data Integration
Consolidation from Different Data Sources
Distributed Architecture
Web Based Data Modeling
Multimedia MetaData Query Feature
Find the real power in your data. Drive better results with data-driven experiences.
vispeahen BI- Analytics, BI, Data analysis, reporting, big data, no sql
Get more value from your data in new and innovative ways. Migrate from spreadsheets to a modern analytics platform.
vispeahen - Analytics, BI, Data analysis, reporting, big data, no sql
Unleash the power of your data to transform the way you work, improve the customer experience and grow your business.
vispeahen - Analytics, BI, Data analysis, reporting, big data, no sql
Infuse the analytical mindset into your business Go beyond standard business intelligence software. Empower everyone in your organization by incorporating business intelligence into workflows and processes that accelerate business growth.

Supported Data Sources

Relational Data Base Systems

Apache Hadoop

Apache Kafka

Raw Formats

Apache Hbase


MapR-DB Format

Image Metadata

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Ready to find the power in your data?

Contact us today.


We drive business productivity and innovation through comprehensive IT solutions and services including advanced data management, software development, business solutions and IT consulting skills, ensuring our clients thrive in the digital landscape.